Rabu, 13 Januari 2010

DIY Paperdoll

This is the second paperdoll I made! ^o^ Yaaayyy...
The paperdoll is simpler, but I love this more :)

Printable Hijab Paperdoll
--suitable for children
-click on the picture for larger image-

Will make another set, soon :)


22 komentar:

  1. can i request a garden theme set...d H&M inspirational garden collection. to include a sarong, flowery shawl,plain hijab, colorful flowery pant and a kurta/kaftan like shirt :D

  2. ya ampuuuuuuuuun kok nemu aja sih hal hal yang menggemaskan kayak gini...
    heran deh!!!

    sip sip. aku juga mau coba tuh

  3. two thumbs up!!

    superb creative deh :D

  4. mbak tia kayaknya sebenernya lebih cocok di despro tuh.. kok bisa nyasar TI ya? :p

    lucuuu, sayang belom punya anak.. print rusak lagi awwhh!

  5. @ ZGM: hehehe... thanks 4 the inspiration ^^ wish I can make it... I'm not good at drawing flowers at corel :p
    @ Elsa: hehe... ayo2 dicoba ^^
    @ Ra-Kun: makasiiii ^^

  6. super cute!!^^ gmn klo bikin versi anak2nya kayany lucu ada rok-rok ato baju2 yg centil yg anak2 bgt^^

  7. super cute!!^^ gmn klo bikin versi anak2nya kayany lucu ada rok-rok ato baju2 yg centil yg anak2 bgt^^

  8. @ anyin: wehehe iya ya... tapi udah telanjur lulus, gmn donk :p
    @ aifa: great idea! ntar nyontek baju2 ala mba aifa aaah ^^ hehehe

  9. oh great thank you...love it....I printed the other one and now Im printing this one....:)

  10. Huaaa tia, lucu banget.
    imut imut deh ih..
    Jadi pengen punya anak cewe, kan seru tar aku dandanin, mix and match haha...

  11. wihh buat sendiri?
    lucu bene Ti...ehehehe

  12. huaaa..jadi pengen belajar corel..
    beneran deh..cuma aku enggak punya corel yang aslinya mba

    mba punya gag??
    klo mau..aku boleh dun minta masternya.
    soalnya klo rental pasti dapetnya yg trial, heee

  13. salaam!
    It's amazing..i love it! :D
    I printed your previous paper doll also and now printed this one too :D
    love it.. pls keep making more..
    By the way, i love ur blog!
    I would suggest something very girly! :D All the best! :)

  14. mampir kesini yah

  15. mashaAllah sister you are very talented!! JazakAllahu Khairun for these great printables I really appreciate it, and my daughter loves them :D

  16. awww.. tianandaaaa..

    makasii awardnyaaa! hihihi..insyaAlloh d pajang ^^ anw, itu musti aku forward ke temen2? brp orang? trs harus nulis 7 fact abt me ya?

    anywayss...aduuuh paperdollnya lucuu bangett, muslimah lagiii..jd inget jaman dulu pas SD..jadi pingin punya anaaaak..hehe, ntar kalo aku hamil dan melahirkan..kado in aku paperdoll yang lucu dan banyak yaaa! hohohoho

  17. whuaaaa...
    lucu banget..
    kreatif banget

    salam kenal tia.. :)

  18. mashallah they are great , all the girls in my class loved them but the boys wanted some too...have you thought of doing a male version?. Thank you so much...

  19. MashAllah, my daughter LOVES this...and wants more, of course?!!!

  20. salam kenal. tengkyu, ya, Tia! anak saya suka ngegunting2 dan bikinan Tia yg pertama juga udah saya siapin. eh, ada yg kedua :D


Would love to hear your thoughts ;)