Rabu, 08 Oktober 2014

Home Sweet Home

Paint another simple design in wooden cutting board :D

Writing a calligraphy using acrylic paint & brush in wood is not as easy as I think. Took about 2 hours to finish all of this simple painting (including snacking :p). Wow time surely flies when I do things I love!

7 komentar:

  1. It's cute! I like it, really! Your drawing is good ;)

  2. i wish i could draw hiks... nice paintings btw mbak tia :)

  3. Wwoowww ... ccaakkeepp banget, tanya dikit ya ... hbs digambar di-finishing lagi ndak pakai cat pelapis yg transparant ?

  4. @ Eria, Meutia & mb. Elsa: makasi yaaa :*
    @ Ayu Tyas: engaaak... dibiarin doank. Belum browsing juga sih, apa baiknya dilapis cat lagi hehehe.. Tapi aku lebih suka tekstur kayu yanpa pelapis
    @ e-Aulia: dicoba duluuuu lama2 bisa ^_^

  5. Bagus, Tia!! makin keren and inspiratif. hehe.. love your new blog layout. :)


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